Cardiff Mind is a mental health charity originally constituted in June 1963, however, in March 1993 the company was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee and in May of that year was again registered as a Charity with the Charity Commission.
Cardiff Mind is based in the heart of Cardiff, and operates an open referral system which enables potential service users to not only access services via Statutory Sector Routes such as Health and Local Authority but also from Third Sector Partners and most importantly from the individuals and their carers. Our only criteria is that people should be aged over 18, are Cardiff residents and are or have been experiencing difficulties with their mental health.
We currently employ a team of 38 staff and have the support of around 40 volunteers. We are an independent charity affiliated to Mind (National Association for Mental Health) and are part of a network of 200 Local Mind Associations across England and Wales.
We have a track record in developing and delivering quality services to people experiencing mental distress, and we want to ensure that those who need the support of mental health services are provided with sufficient opportunity to engage with appropriate and diverse services, and also tackle accompanying factors that contribute to social exclusion.
The service we deliver is aligned to the Cardiff and the Vale Charter for Mental Health.
Every person in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan has the right to mental health services that:
- Make a positive difference to each person they serve.
- Stop doing things that are not working.
- Are guided by the individual’s views about what they need and what helps them.
- Treat everyone as a capable citizen who can make choices and take control of their own life.
- Work with respect, dignity and compassion.
- Recognise that mental health services are only part of a person’s recovery.
- Recognise, respect and support the role of carers, family and friends.
- Communicate with each person in a way that is right for them.
- Understand that each person has a unique culture, life experiences and values.
- Give people the information they need to make their own decisions and choices.
- Support their workers to do their jobs well.
- Challenge “us and them” attitudes both within mental health services and in the wider society.
Mae gan bawb yr hawl i wasanaethau sy’n:
- Gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol.
- Peidio gwneud pethau sydd ddim yn gweithio.
- Cael eu harwain gan farn yr unigolion ynglŷn â’r hyn sydd ei angen arnynt a’r hyn sy’n eu helpu.
- Trin pawb fel dinesydd medrus all wneud dewisiadau a chymryd rheolaeth o’u bywydau eu hunain.
- Gweithio gyda pharch, urddas a thrugaredd, waeth beth fo’u hoedran, anabledd, rhyw, iaith, hil, crefydd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol neu gefndir.
- Cydnabod bod gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ond yn rhan o wellhad person.
- Cydnabod, parchu a chefnogi rôl gofalwyr, teulu a ffrindiau.
- Cyfathrebu gyda phob person yn y modd sy’n iawn iddynt hwy.
- Deall bod gan bob person ddiwylliant, profiadau bywyd a gwerthoedd unigryw.
- Rhoi’r wybodaeth sydd ei hangen ar bobl i wneud eu penderfyniadau a’u dewisiadau eu hunain.
- Cefnogi eu gweithwyr i wneud eu gwaith yn dda.
- Herio agweddau ‘ni a nhw’ o fewn gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ac mewn cymdeithas yn fwy cyffredinol.
We know that it can be difficult to take the first step and ask for help or information. Our staff will help you to work out what your options are and what information or services are most appropriate for you.
Our Day Services Team are available from Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm. Please click here (contact us) to make an appointment.
Community Connectors
To help improve wellbeing needs across the culturally diverse population.
The Community Connectors Project
Community Connectors is a new service designed to help improve wellbeing needs across the culturally diverse population of the South East, City and South, and East regions of Cardiff by providing signposting information to those in the community that may have historically felt disconnected or excluded from support. Our team of Connectors will have time to talk to you, one to one, about the things that are important to you and to provide you with signposting information to connect you to community support groups and services that can help. We can provide signposting information and support for a range of issues such as, but not limited to, social isolation, benefits, mental health, pain management and advocacy and we will do our best to find community support for whatever matters to you.
To access this service you need to be:
- Over the age of 18
- Be registered with one of the GP Practices within the South East, City & South, or East clusters. For a full list of GPs follow the below link:
- Would benefit from social and wellbeing support
To access this service, either speak with your GP at your next appointment or call 02920 40 20 40 and we will help you to self-refer.
Courses and Guided Self-Help
Group-based CBT courses and various one-to-one guided self-help sessions.
Courses and Guided Self-Help
Our Day Services Team will undertake an initial assessment of all our service users. This meeting is designed to offer practical assistance with the issues raised, and if appropriate, signposts to other Cardiff Mind services, external services, or a combination of the two. We currently offer Social Groups (volunteer led – often former service users), guided self-help and psycho-educational courses, which run over 6 weeks to enable people to better understand and manage their own condition, such as:
- Stress Control Course
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Course (ACT)
- Coping With Significant Loss & Change Course
- CCI courses – Cardiff Mind are pleased to offer one-to-one guided self-help sessions as part of a Tier Zero contract with the Cardiff SE Cluster of GP Surgeries. This service is also available to everyone using our core services where group treatment is not appropriate. This treatment is short-term and structured. It focuses on developing practical skills and strategies to manage current difficulties, such as, Assertiveness, Distress Intolerance, Depression, Panic, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety.
- Active Monitoring. This is a guided self-help programme that is available by phone or web-based.
Our groups and activities are operated primarily from our head office at 166 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 1DL.
To find out more click here: Contact us
Women’s Group
Come and meet the facilitators and see the new programme. Wednesday afternoons 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm.
Men’s Group
Come and meet the facilitator. Friday mornings 10.30 am – 12.00 pm.
Art Group
Wednesday mornings 11 am – 1 pm (£1 charge for materials).
Active Monitoring
A 6-week programme helping you to understand and be in control of your feelings.
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